Careers In Tech: Breaking Barriers to Entry

For New & Seasoned Professionals

DATE: Saturday February 17, 2024


LOCATION: Zoom (link provided when you register)

Come to this online event to meet recruiters, tech company employees and learn about the different jobs within the industry, such as drone pilot, project management, HR and more

You will hear from industry experts and have your questions answered, so come prepared. If you read the guide on what to do after you go to a tech job fair, you won’t want to miss this event!

Register for the Event: Careers in Tech: Breaking Barriers to Entry for New & Seasoned Professionals
This is a virtual event so please use the email you monitor and can received the login details, notifications and calendaring for the event.
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If you recently attended the Queens Career & Tech Expo 2.0 or other Tech Job fairs or are looking to either break in to the industry or make moves within the industry this is for you!